Figure 4.
Condition-level Priming Correlation Analysis. Regions showing a significant correlation between repetition suppression and behavioral priming across conditions are displayed on the right (displayed at p<.005, k>10). Brain areas that show this correlation were (A) left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), (B) left perirhinal cortex (PRc), (C) left lingual gyrus, (D) left fusiform gyrus and (E) right cerebellum. To the left of the coronal brain slices are two plots (IFG and PRc) of the correlation between repetition suppression and behavioral priming across condition for illustrative purposes. Repetition suppression was calculated as the difference in z-transformed parameter estimates for the first and repeated presentations of an item, where a more positive effect indicates greater repetition suppression. Behavioral priming was calculated as the percent decrease in reaction time from first to second item presentation, where a greater value indicates a larger priming effect. Coordinates listed at the top of the images represent MNI coordinates in the Y plane (condition labels: SS – spoken-spoken, PS – picture-spoken, WS – written-spoken, PP – picture-picture, WP – written-picture, SP – spoken-picture, WW – written-written, PW – picture-written, SW – spoken-written).