Figure 3.
Localization of ceruloplasmin protein to the sinusoids of the cavernosum. A: 40x, CP staining (red, Alexa 568) of cavernosal sinusoids (arrowheads). Asterisk marks the trabeculae which were largely unstained. B: The same tissue section was co-stained with CD31 (green, Alexa 488) to label the endothelium. C: merged CP (red), CD31 (green), and Nuclei (blue) stained images shows colocalization of CP and CD31 labeling in the endothelium (yellow). D: 40×, hematoxylin-eosin staining shows the general cavernosal architecture with collagen-based trabeculae (asterisk) lined by smooth muscle and endothelial cells (the SMC and EC layers are located between the black arrowheads). E: 100×, higher magnification of sinusoid labeled with CP (red) and CD31 (green). CP labeling of SMC layer with brightest staining colocalized with endothelial marker CD31 shown in the merged image as yellow. F: Penile dorsal vein co-stained with CP and CD31 antibody showing SMC and endothelial localization of CP. G: CP antibody labeling of microvessels adjacent to the cavernosum. A–D, scale bar = 50 µm. E–G, scale bar = 20 µm.