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. 2013 Oct;49(9):2294–2306. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2013.01.009

Table 1.

Performance on background neuropsychological tests, including verbal memory, word retrieval and comprehension, executive skills, literacy, numeracy and early visual, visuoperceptual and visuospatial processing.

Test Raw score
MMSEb 24/30 27/30 FOL: impaired
Short Recognition Memory Test for wordsa, c (joint auditory/visual presentation) 21/25 24/25 Within normal range
Concrete synonyms testd 20/25 24/25 Within normal range
Naming (verbal description) 19/20 11/20 CLA: <1st %ile; FOL: normal limits
Cognitive estimatese (error score) 1 17 CLA: <1st %ile; FOL: normal limits
Calculation (GDAf)a 0/24 8/24 FOL: <1st %ile; CLA: normal limits
Spelling (GDSTg – Set B, first 20 items)a 18/20 19/20 Within normal range
Gesture production testh 14/15 9/15
Digit span (forwards) 11/16 (7 items) 12/16 (7 items) FOL: 25th–50th %ile; CLA: >50th %ile
Digit span (backwards) 6/16 (3 items) 7/16 (4 items) Within normal range

Early visual processing
Visual acuity (CORVISTi): Snellen 6/9 6/18 CLA: near-normal; FOL: normal
Figure-ground discrimination (VOSPj) 17/20 14/20 <5th %ile

Shape discrimination – Efron squaresk
 Easy (oblong edge ratio 1:1.63) 19/20 20/20 Healthy participants with normal vision
 Moderate (oblong edge ratio 1:1.37) 19/20 19/20 Make no errors on difficult version
 Difficult (oblong edge ratio 1:1.20) 9/20 14/20

Hue discrimination (CORVIST) 2/4 2/4 Impaired

Visuoperceptual processing
Object decision (VOSP)a 15/20 7/20 CLA: <5th %ile; FOL: 10th–25th %ile
Unusual and usual viewsl: unusual 5/20 0 <1st %ile
Unusual and usual viewsl: usual 18/20 10/20 <1st %ile

Visuospatial processing
Fragmented letters (VOSP)a 8/20 0/20 <5th %ile
Number location (VOSP) 5/10 5/10 <1st %ile
Dot counting (VOSP) 7/10 10/10 FOL: <5th %ile; CLA: normal limits
A Cancellationm: completion time 60 50 <5th %ile
A Cancellationm: number of letters missed 1 0

CORVIST reading test 16/16 16/16
Graded non-word reading testn 24/25 22/25

Behavioural screening tests supportive of PCA diagnosis.


Graded Difficulty Arithmetic test (GDA; Jackson and Warrington, 1986).


Graded Difficulty Spelling Test (GDST; Baxter and Warrington, 1994).


Crutch (unpublished).