Model with somatic L-type current and passive dendrites. (A)
F-I curves for GCa − L = 1.0 mS/cm2. Triangular ramp of current injected in the soma from 0 to 100 μA/cm2 and back (velocity: 10−4 μA/cm2.s). Increasing values of GAHP from top to bottom, see labels). αN = 0.0045 mol/ as before, but αL is set to 0. When GAHP = 10 mS/cm2 (top curve), firing starts at 54 Hz at the recruitment threshold (32 μA/cm2), and the F-I curve shows a large domain of quiescence/firing bistability, derecruitment occuring only for a negative current of −15 μA/cm2 on the descending ramp. Firing bistability is observed for between 15 and 25 (middle curve, GAHP = 20 mS/cm2). When GAHP is increased beyond 25 mS/cm2, bistability disappears and the F-I curve becomes graded (bottom curve, GAHP = 30 mS/cm2). Note that the recruitment threshold remains unchanged. (B) Effect of αL on firing. F-I curves for GCa − L = 1 mS/cm2 and GAHP = 20 mS/cm2 and αN = 0.0045 mol/ Increasing values of αL from top to bottom (see labels). The firing bistability displayed in A (top, αL set to 0) persists when αL is increased to 2% of αN, but the firing frequency is strongly reduced. When αL is doubled, to 4% of αN, the abrupt transition to the low frequency state on the down ramp is replaced by a series of frequency plateaus reflecting mixed mode oscillations. (C)
F-I curve for GCa − L = 0.5 mS/cm2. αL set to 0 and αN = 0.0045 mol/ as in A. Increasing values of GAHP (see labels). Quiescence/firing bistability occurs for GAHP smaller than 10 mS/cm2 (top), and the F-I curve is graded for larger GAHP. No firing bistability takes place. (D) Membrane currents. GCa − L = 1 mS/cm2 and GAHP = 20 mS/cm2 (regime of firing bistability, see A). Top: L-type current (positive); bottom: sum of the leak and AHP currents (negative); dashed line: sum of the three currents. All currents are time averaged over the interspike interval and plotted as a function of the current injected in the soma. The zero current line is displayed in gray. The ascending current ramp is indicated by rightward pointing arrows and the descending branch by leftward pointing arrows.