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. 2014 Jan 15;7(1):186–193.

Table 1.

Expression of E6, p53 and p21 proteins and HPV16 physical state in Non-SIL and LSIL

n=50 % n=51 % P
Expression of E6
    Negative 9 18.0 0 0.0 0.006a
    Mild 27 54.0 31 60.8
    Moderate 13 26.0 17 33.3
    Intense 1 2.0 3 5.9
Expression of p53
    Negative 29 58.0 34 66.7 0.369b
    Positive 21 42.0 17 33.3
Expression of p21
    Negative 41 82.0 45 88.2 0.378b
    Positive 9 18.0 6 11.8
HPV16 Physical state
    Episomal 13 26.0 8 15.7 0.357b
    Integrated 11 22.0 10 19.6
    Mixed 26 52.0 33 64.7

HPV human papillomavirus, SIL squamous intraepithelial lesion, LSIL low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.


Fisher exact test.


Χ 2.

Significant value is indicated in bold.