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. 2014 Jan 17;4(1):e004026. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004026

Table 1.

Characteristics of low-risk women aged 16 and over by maternal age category

16–19 years
20–24 years
25–29 years
30–34 years
35–39 years
≥40 years
n=11 395
n=18 091
n=18 453
n=10 397
n Weighted %* n Weighted %* n Weighted %* n Weighted %* n Weighted %* n Weighted %*
Ethnic group
 White 3078 90.1 9685 81.2 15 146 77.5 16 052 80.7 9339 84.3 1527 86.6
 Non-white 275 9.9 1697 18.8 2920 22.5 2375 19.3 1044 15.8 153 13.4
 Missing 1 13 25 26 14 1
Understanding of English
 Fluent 3254 96.7 10 394 89.6 16 757 90.0 17 605 92.9 10 155 96.3 1638 96.7
 Not fluent 94 3.3 948 10.4 1251 10.0 776 7.1 214 3.7 36 3.4
 Missing 6 53 83 72 28 7
Marital/partner status
 Married/living with partner 1836 51.9 9550 81.8 16 868 92.1 17 782 96.1 10 004 95.4 1591 94.4
 Single/unsupported by partner 1440 48.1 1677 18.2 1010 7.9 493 3.9 293 4.7 68 5.7
 Missing 78 168 213 178 100 22
BMI in pregnancy (kg/m2)
 <18.5 184 6.2 426 4.2 413 2.6 337 2.1 156 1.5 18 0.2
 18.5–24.9 1753 50.3 5316 45.6 8560 45.9 9059 46.7 4864 44.5 802 46.4
 25–29.9 598 17.9 2558 21.7 4341 24.6 4206 23.2 2572 26.9 415 27.6
 30–35 233 7.6 1096 10.0 1627 9.3 1399 8.8 769 8.9 109 8.1
 Not recorded 581 18.1 1969 18.4 3091 17.6 3389 19.2 2000 18.3 329 17.7
 Missing 5 30 59 63 36 8
IMD quintile
 1st (least deprived) 245 6.8 1102 8.5 2875 13.8 4255 20.5 2783 24.6 434 26.0
 2nd 405 12.3 1521 13.3 3259 17.5 4114 21.7 2434 22.3 396 22.0
 3rd 637 18.2 2115 18.0 3657 18.6 3759 19.7 2135 20.0 357 21.6
 4th 827 25.3 2784 23.9 3957 22.7 3479 19.8 1765 17.9 291 16.9
 5th (most deprived) 1221 37.5 3821 36.2 4262 27.5 2759 18.4 1215 15.2 197 13.7
 Missing 19 52 81 87 65 6
Previous pregnancies ≥24 weeks
 0 2835 86.8 6341 62.0 8438 53.6 7307 46.7 2989 36.9 346 28.0
 1 474 12.1 3772 29.4 5892 29.9 6963 33.9 3929 35.5 540 32.3
 2 38 0.8 1006 6.8 2549 10.9 2779 12.2 2260 17.4 414 20.2
 3–5 7 0.3 276 1.9 1212 5.6 1404 7.2 1219 10.2 381 19.5
Gestation at delivery (completed weeks)
 37 119 4.1 351 3.5 530 3.6 534 3.5 275 3.1 52 3.2
 38 305 11.0 1136 10.1 1743 9.9 1739 9.9 971 10.2 146 9.9
 39 783 22.5 2788 24.4 4409 24.2 4439 23.5 2516 23.2 410 27.2
 40 1292 36.7 4361 36.7 6970 36.2 7090 37.5 3933 35.9 639 35.0
 41–42+0 days 855 25.7 2759 25.3 4439 26.1 4651 25.6 2702 27.7 434 24.7
Planned place of birth
 OU 1445 87.5 4150 84.9 5601 82.6 4946 80.7 2571 80.2 497 83.2
 AMU 1038 8.5 3445 9.6 4958 10.1 4540 10.3 2212 9.6 294 7.9
 FMU 661 3.2 2115 3.5 3242 3.8 3216 3.9 1674 3.8 249 3.0
 Home 210 0.8 1685 2.0 4290 3.5 5751 5.1 3940 6.4 641 5.8
Birth weight (g)
 <2500 53 1.9 146 1.8 166 1.4 159 1.1 75 1.0 17 1.3
 2500–2999 561 18.4 1728 16.4 2281 14.5 1924 12.7 1100 12.5 168 12.8
 3000–3499 1502 44.6 4678 41.1 7171 39.3 6960 38.2 3644 36.5 596 37.1
 3500–3999 977 28.4 3664 30.9 6256 33.4 6767 35.0 3888 35.3 617 36.9
 4000–4499 233 6.0 1023 8.7 1926 10.0 2294 11.4 1432 12.5 239 9.9
 ≥4500 21 0.7 135 1.2 262 1.5 303 1.6 237 2.3 40 2.0
 Missing 7 21 29 46 21 4
Complicating conditions identified at the start of care in labour
 Prolonged rupture of membranes >18 h 145 7.1 411 6.1 678 6.5 706 7.1 415 7.0 78 8.9
 Meconium stained liquor 126 5.8 322 4.8 469 5.0 541 6.1 295 5.9 60 7.4
 Proteinuria 1+ or more 79 2.3 203 1.7 261 1.9 226 1.6 109 1.7 20 1.6
 Hypertension 55 2.6 160 2.2 232 2.4 207 2.0 102 2.1 17 2.0
 Abnormal vaginal bleeding 16 0.7 57 0.9 79 0.9 119 1.5 77 2.1 16 2.1
 Non-cephalic presentation 5 0.2 31 0.5 44 0.4 64 0.5 46 0.7 3 0.3
 Abnormal fetal heart rate 41 1.5 106 1.7 162 1.8 143 1.7 82 1.7 27 3.0
 Other complications 14 0.6 24 0.3 23 0.2 27 0.1 11 0.2 2 0.2
Any complicating condition 431 18.5 1175 16.1 1744 16.6 1829 18.0 1001 18.1 199 22.5

*Percentages are weighted to take account of differences in the probability of a woman being selected for inclusion in the study arising from differences in each unit/trust's period of participation and the stratum-specific probabilities of selection of OUs.

AMU, alongside midwifery unit; BMI, body mass index; FMU, freestanding midwifery unit; IMD, index of multiple deprivation; OU, obstetric unit.