p110α is increased through diverse mechanisms in lapatinib-resistant cells. (a) qRT-PCR was performed using primers for PIK3CA and ACTB (β-actin) for normalization. (b) qPCR of genomic DNA was performed using primers recognizing genomic PIK3CA. LINE1 was used for normalization. (c) qPCR of genomic DNA was performed as in (b) with allele-specific primers to PIK3CA E542K. BT474 parental (Par) gDNA was defined as 1.0 for total PIK3CA primers and BT483 gDNA was defined as 1.0 for E542K-specific primers. Results are the average from two independent experiments. (Error bars, s.e.m. *p < 0.01 by student’s t-test (panels (a),(b), and right section of (c)) or one-way ANOVA (panel (c), left section); n.s., not significant. The double asterisk (**) indicates that the data were not reliably measured for qPCR of BT474 Par gDNA with PIK3CA E542K-specific primers.)