Figure 6. Similar length constant of the Bcd gradient profiles in wt and dmpd embryos.
(a) Shown are mean Bcd gradient profiles from wt and dmpd embryos plotted as ln(B/Bmax) against AP position x/L. Here both B and Bmax are background-adjusted intensities without any further adjustments. The solid lines representing linear fits (y = −6.78x + 0.46, R squared for linear regression; R2 = 0.999 for wt embryos; y = −6.77x + 0.58; R squared for linear regression, R2 = 0.998 for dmpd embryos).
(b) Shown are calculated λ values of Bcd gradient profiles from individual wt and dmpd embryos (n =15 and 13, respectively). These values were obtained from fitting the individual Bcd intensity profiles to an exponential function. Shown are mean and sd for these two groups, along with the p value obtained from Student’s t-test.