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. 2012 Nov 27;124(Pt 6):403–411. doi: 10.1042/CS20120239

Table 1. Characteristics of the study cohort.

Continuous data are given as means±S.D., irrespective of distribution or skewness. P values, however, derive from a Student's t test or Mann–Whitney U test as appropriate. Comparison between categorical data was performed using Fisher's exact test. SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; TAG, triacylglycerol; CRP, C-reactive protein; HbA1c, glycosylated haemoglobin; ACEI, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin II type I receptor blocker. *With T2D compared with Without T2D; †CAD compared with controls.

CAD patients
Parameter With T2D (n=23) Without T2D (n=56) P value* Controls (n=19) P value†
Age (years) 65±11 65±9 0.961 44±19 <0.001
Sex (male/female) (n) 20/3 45/11 0.747 8/11 0.001
BMI (kg/m2) 31.7±5.2 28.6±4.7 0.026 26.5±1.9 0.004
SBP (mmHg) 138±22 138±26 0.897 132±23 0.471
DBP (mmHg) 73±13 80±11 0.065 84±12 0.162
Total cholesterol (mmol/l) 3.95±1.10 4.11±0.99 0.542 4.96±0.99 0.029
LDL-cholesterol (mmol/l) 1.80±0.83 2.00±0.78 0.314 2.69±1.11 0.024
HDL-cholesterol (mmol/l) 1.11±0.22 1.17±0.27 0.366 1.72±0.30 <0.001
TAG (mmol/l) 2.54±1.97 2.04±0.97 0.262 1.17±0.47 0.052
CRP (mg/l) 2.5±2.9 5.0±10.5 0.280 3.5±4.2 0.843
HbA1c (%) 7.2±1.3 5.6±0.4 <0.001 5.4±0.2 0.111
Active smoking (yes/no) (n) 2/22 2/54 0.579 2/17 0.324
ACEI/ARB (yes/no) (n) 18/5 32/24 0.122 1/18 <0.001
Statin (yes/no) (n) 21/2 53/3 0.625 2/17 <0.001
Metformin (yes/no) (n) 10/13 0/56 <0.001 0/19 <0.001