Fig. 1.
Attosecond control of the excitation and ionization pathways of D2 on short timescales. (Right) Simplified potential energy surfaces of the D2 and . The purple and red arrows represent the VUV harmonics and IR photons used to coherently control the populations of the excited neutral and ion states in the Franck–Condon region through two-pathway quantum interference of electronic wave packets in B, B* (single photon) and EF (two photon) states. (Lower Left) Calculated excitation probabilities into states of Σu and Σg symmetries of neutral H2 (dominated, respectively, by the B and EF states) as a function of time delay. The blue lobes, plotted on the right of the panel, are sketches of the Σu and Σg orbitals representing the excited electron dynamics. Theoretical predictions show that the electronically excited populations can be switched between the even B and odd parity EF potentials on attosecond timescales, which can in turn control how the molecule vibrates. (Upper Left) The experimental photoelectron
and D+ yields modulate on full and half-cycle attosecond timescales, as the delay between the pump VUV + IR and control IR pulses is scanned.