Fig. 6.
SADs mediate functional maturation of peripheral and central synapses. (A) Compound action potentials (CAP) from SADChAT-cre and age-matched control SCG. (B) Quantification of peak CAP voltage showing that postnatal enhancement in ganglionic transmission fails to occur in mutants. Graph shows mean ± SEM of CAP peak height. The difference between control (n = 6 ganglia) and SADChAT-cre (n = 5 ganglia) at P2 is not significant (unpaired t test, P = 0.32), but the difference at P16 (control n = 13; SADChAT-cre n = 11) is significant (unpaired t test P = 0.0007). ns, not significant. (C) Sample traces of homonymous EPSPs from quadriceps motor neurons in SADPV-cre mice at P5. The dashed lines indicate the latency to the onset and the amplitude of the monosynaptic responses. (D) Homonymous EPSP amplitude is reduced in SADPV-cre animals relative to controls (graph shows EPSP mean ± SEM, Control, n = 14; SADPV-cre, n = 13, unpaired t test: P = 0.0006).