Fig. 4.
(A) Change in the effective temperature relative to room temperature ΔTeff = Teff − 300 K of Raman scattering by AuNRs with absorption peak at 787 nm excited by laser pulses of 0.45-ps width. ΔTeff calculated from the data using Eq. 4 are shown as lines that show some noise. ΔTeff calculated using Eqs. 4 and 6 with the optical cross-section σabs as a fitting parameter are shown as smooth lines. The best fit to the data for −1,500 cm−1 < Δω < 1,500 cm−1 gives σabs = 2,700 nm2. (B and C) ΔTeff of the measurement at a Raman shift of (B) −500 cm−1 and (C) 500 cm−1 with laser pulse duration of 0.45 ps (black squares) and 1.3 ps (red circles). The solid lines show the predicted values of ΔTeff from Eqs. 4 and 6 as a function of laser power using σabs = 2,700 nm2.