Figure 6. Contribution of GluN2A and GluN2B to increased presynaptic NMDAR activity in the spinal cord by FK506 treatment.
A, original traces and cumulative plots show that bath application of 0.6 μm Ro25-6981 alone and 5 μm AP5 plus 0.6 μm Ro25-6981 reduced the frequency, but not the amplitude, of mEPSCs in one lamina II neuron recorded from an FK506-treated rat. B, mean changes in the frequency and amplitude of mEPSCs in lamina II neurons during baseline control, bath application of 0.6 μm Ro25-6981, bath application of 5 μm AP5 plus 0.6 μm Ro25-6981, and washout in FK506-treated (n= 9 neurons) rats. mEPSCs were recorded in lamina II neurons using internal pipette solution containing 1 mm MK-801 to block postsynaptic NMDARs. *P < 0.05 compared with the baseline control. #P < 0.05 compared with Ro25-6981 alone.