Awareness & Orientation |
Fully oriented to time, space, location and/or context |
Modest/occasional disorientation to time, space, location and/or context |
Significant disorientation to time space, location and/or context. Regularly reliant on cues |
Marked disorientation to time, space, location and/or context. Generally needs active guidance |
Complete disorientation to time, space, location and context; needs constant guidance; may be oriented to self |
Speech & communication |
Normal speech fluency, and no impairment in comprehension or pragmatics (i.e., exchange) |
Detectable abnormality of speech fluency, comprehendsion, or pragmatics, but no difficulty conversing |
Obvious impairment of fluency, comprehension or pragmatics, but with effort and/or assistance is able to converse
Marked impairments, cannot converse, usually can provide responses and make simple requests or comments |
Little or no communication; generally not able to provide responses, or to make requests or comments |
Self care & home maintenance |
Normal, does not need any help with home maintenance and self-care tasks |
Slight difficulty with home/self-care tasks; may need occasional reminders |
Often needs reminders and prompting for home/self-care tasks; needs supervision with complex or multistep tasks |
Needs supervision and practical assistance with most home/self-care tasks |
Complete dependence on others for self-care |
Life skills & problem-solving |
No difficulty with home or work skills, routines, or transactions, or in solving everyday problems |
Modest/occasion al difficulty with skills, routines, transactions or solving problems, performance is generally adequate |
Significant difficulty with skills, routines, transactions or problem-solving; frequent judgment errors; performance is impaired, needs supervision
Marked difficulty; judgment very impaired; able to make simple decisions (e.g. what to wear or to eat) and/or able to do simple tasks (e.g. folding laundry) |
Basic skills essentially lost. Cannot do any routines or transactions, or make any judgments; generally requires assistance with basic tasks |
Comportment & socialization |
Normal attitudes, habits, and social graces; sensitive to others; conforms to social rules and expectations. Maintains normal involvement in family life, and professional and community activities |
Modest change in emotional or social involvement; sometimes appears disconnected. Lapses in empathy; Modest/occasional inertia, or transgressions, disinhibited or self-centered acts, or carelessness |
Reduced involvement; frequent or moderate inertia; frequent disinhibited, self-centered or careless acts, or transgressions, or lack of empathy. Neglects interests; participation in activities may require coaxing
Little involvement. Everyday comportment is dominated by indifference and/or inertia; or by impusions, intrusive acts, loss of graces, rigid routines or compulsions, etc. Interests abandoned; participation in activities is modest and usually requires direction
Profound loss of involvement; disconnected from immediate environment. Severe disruption of behavior. profound inertia, purpose- lessness, environment dependence or perseverative actions. Little or no interaction with others, cannot participate in activities