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. 2014 Jan 27;9(1):e86846. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086846

Table 3. Morphological models found to best reflect bite force within each phenotypic form and sex.

Males Females
Phenotypic Form Model ß R2 P Model ß R2 P
B. melanocephalum CHL 0.625 0.391 0.001 QT −0.587 0.345 0.017
B. thamnobates CT 1.335 0.334 0.031 CT 2.122 0.247 0.044
HH −1.421 HH −2.292
Type A CH −1.607 0.245 0.105 HH 2.045 0.362 0.033
LJL 1.627 HL −0.17
QT −1.737
Type B CH 0.758 0.735 0.031 CT 3.044 0.594 0.017
CHH −1.218 QT −3.049
HH −0.988
LJL 0.78
CT 0.572
Type C CH −0.219 0.048 0.634 CHH 0.901 0.812 0.001

All variables were size-corrected prior to analysis. ß, Beta coefficient; R 2, coefficient of determination; P, significance value; CHL, casque head length, CHH, casque head height; CH, casque height; HL, head length; HW, head width; HH, head height; LJL, lower jaw length; CT, coronoid process of mandible to snout tip; QT, posterior surface of quadrate to snout tip.