Figure 10.
STS in aDFP networks with varying hidden layer size. Topologically induced correlation modulates STS in a multipath aDFP circuit. Plot conventions are the same as in Figure 5. (A) Network response to monosynaptic STS in the presence of 16 disynaptic feedforward pathways connecting I2,1 to O. The network response was similar to monosynaptic STS in the single disynaptic pathway network, but the synaptic weights converging onto the output neuron from hidden neurons in the disynaptic pathway decreased much less relative to the single pathway network. (B) DST distributions in multipath network during each phase of STS from the monosynaptically connected neuron I1,1, to the output neuron O. The frequency of short-lag DSTs diminished between the disynaptically connected neuron pair I2,1 and O. (C) Network response to STS from the disynaptically connected neuron I2,1 to the output neuron O. The qualitative response is the same as in the single disynaptic pathway network, but the synaptic weights converging onto the disynaptic neuron from hidden neurons in the disynaptic pathways decrease less than single pathway network. (D) DST distributions for the multipath network during each phase of the STS protocol. DST changes for the disynaptically connected neuron pair persist for ~2000 s post-stimulation.