Figure 6.
A comparison of the transcriptomes reveal differences among the 3 TRKO mutants. Data are derived from RBF1 (A), HFL1 (B), DPB4 (C) TRKO strains vs. the GOA1 mutant, and rbf1 vs. hfl1 mutants (D). Genes common to both the goa1∆ and either rbf1∆, hfl1∆, or dpb4∆ are depicted as blue diamonds. The goa1∆-specific genes are indicated as red squares, and TRKO-specific genes as green triangles. Upregulated genes for each TR mutant are show above the horizontal axis, down regulated genes below the horizontal axis; while the right side and left side of vertical axis represent upregulated and down regulated genes for goa1Δ. Each quadrant reflects a cluster of similar genes between goa1∆ and TR mutants. Upper left: cell wall, stress adaptation, and morphological switching; lower left: metabolism; lower right: different rewiring responses for common genes, in Figure 6C reflecting DNA replication or maintenance and rRNA processing between dpb4∆ and goa1∆; Upper right: upregulated genes of different functional annotation.