Figure 8.
TRKOs and their influence on transcription of other TR genes. Each TRKO mutant and goa1∆ is shown with arrows that connect common TR genes (rectangular boxes) affected in each null mutant. The TR genes are indicated in red (upregulated) or green (down regulated). Thus for dpb4∆, 5 upregulated genes are shown (connected by a right-facing black arrow) that are common to both rbf1∆ and hfl1∆. Common TR genes of rbf1∆ and hfl1∆ are similarly inked by black arrows. The number of TR genes common to both rbf1∆ and hfl1∆ is much greater than those common to dpb4∆. Also shown are comparisons of presumed up or down regulated pathways for each mutant including goa1∆ (square boxes of various colors).