Figure 3.
Reduced proportion of γδ T cells in aly/aly in comparison with that of aly/+ mice. (a) The average percentages (± SD) of γδ T cells in CD3high+ cells in thymi from aly/aly or aly/+ mice (10 times backcrossed to C57BL/6, 9–11 weeks old, n = 4) are demonstrated. The difference between aly/aly and aly/+ mice was statistically significant (P = 0·0029). (b–g) The mice analysed in (a) were examined for the expression of γδ T-cell receptor (TCR) and Thy1.2 on CD3+-gated cells in the indicated organs, and the average percentages ± SD in CD3+ cells are indicated. The difference between aly/aly and aly/+ mice was statistically significant in every organ indicated (P < 0·001).