In thiscartoon we graphically represent the relationship between critical oncogenic transcriptome networks and the miRNome. Target mRNAs for each major pathway are represented by circles with a unique color. MiRNAs are represented as hairpins structures in the center. The arrows connecting miRNAs and mRNAs indicate validated mRNA-miRNA interactions. The small arrow next to the circles indicate the biological effects on the pathway by the miRNA action on its target (i.e. miR-15a induces apoptosis by targeting BCL-2 or miR-29b suppresses cell proliferation by blocking CDK6. Some miRNAs like miR-29b, coordinately regulate multiple targets within different pathways. As shown in the cartoon, miR-29b modulates target mRNAs involved in apoptosis, cell proliferation, DNA methylation, histone acetylation and cell adhesion.