Figure 4. Diet affects body weight, body composition, and plasma leptin concentration but not metabolic parameters.
A) Body weight increased in proportion with fat content in diet. * 10% vs. 45% (P <0.05) over weeks 3 - 12 (solid line) and ^ 10% vs. 60% (P < 0.05) over weeks 2 - 12 (dashed line). N= 15 mice per group at start of diet. B) Percent fat content relative to total body mass is shown for n = 15. At 4 weeks on diet * 10% vs. 45% (P=0.009) and 10% vs. 60% (P=0.007) and at 8 weeks on diets ^ 10% vs. 45% (P=0.0001) and 10% vs. 60% (P=0.0002). C) Leptin levels in plasma at sacrifice were measured (n = 12). * 10% vs. 45% (P=0.005) and 10% vs. 60% (P=0.003). D) Blood glucose concentrations prior to start of diet and at sacrifice were measured in 6 hour fasted mice (n = 15 mice). E) Insulin in plasma at sacrifice was measured (n = 12). F) Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMAIR) at sacrifice (n = 12).