FIG. 2.
Transplanted oim show improvement in disease pathology. (A) Percentage of mice with any long bone fracture. (B) Fracture rate; total proportion of fractured femurs, tibias, and humeri over total number of these bones per mouse. (C) Percentage caudal vertebral fractures calculated over total number of vertebrae per mouse. (D) Percentage of mice with vertebral fractures shown per caudal vertebra from the base of the tail (vertebra number 1) to the tip of the tail (vertebra number 30). (E) Three-point bending load (N) displacement (mm) curves shown up to the critical fracture point. (F) Bending stiffness of femurs (slope of the linear elastic deformation; N/mm). (G) Maximum deflection at fracture (displacement extension to the point of fracture; mm). (H) Load to fracture (maximum force sustained by femur prior to fracture; N). All mice were 8 weeks old and wild-type (WT; gray), nontransplanted oim (OIM; white), or e-CSC transplanted oim (e-CSC; black). ns, not significant; *P<0.05, ***P<0.001; Student's t-test or Fisher exact test. Error bars±SEM.