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. 2014 Jan 28;9(1):e86584. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086584

Table 2. Base case results.* .

Single Interventions Dual Interventions All Interventions
Outcome Measures Status Quo 25% PrEP 50% PrEP ART MMT MMT, 25% PrEP MMT, 50% PrEP MMT, ART ART, 25% PrEP ART, 50% PrEP MMT, ART, 25% PrEP MMT, ART, 50% PrEP
Number of individuals reached by each intervention over 20 yrs**
PrEP 0 13,686 20,671 0 0 16,010 23,012 0 14,506 21,655 16,645 23,724
MMT 0 0 0 0 50,486 50,060 49,879 49,857 0 0 49,536 49,403
ART 10,620 10,166 9928 39,702 13,283 12,317 11,891 36,195 36,736 35,248 33,046 31,673
HIV prevalence after 20 yrs
Among IDUs 67.2% 57.0% 51.5% 66.8% 53.0% 39.3% 33.9% 53.5% 55.8% 50.3% 39.5% 34.2%
Among non-IDUs 0.91% 0.83% 0.79% 0.89% 0.83% 0.73% 0.68% 0.83% 0.81% 0.77% 0.73% 0.69%
Overall 1.47% 1.34% 1.26% 1.50% 1.32% 1.11% 1.03% 1.36% 1.35% 1.27% 1.14% 1.05%
Infections averted
Among IDUs 0 2355 3636 757 2982 6043 7384 3672 3308 775 6799 8115
Among non-IDUs 0 1196 1828 3179 1741 3087 3688 4492 4240 4539 5653 6152
Total 0 3552 5464 3935 4723 9130 11,072 8164 7548 9401 12,453 14,267
Incremental QALYS and cost***
QALYs 29,294 44,963 96,323 75,458 111,032 127,018 163,772 122,422 135,821 194,720 208,102
Cost (US 1000s) $40,405 $63,430 $94,864 $39,018 $106,937 $139,009 $127,788 $134,871 $157,026 $194,723 $225,521

The table presents undiscounted HIV infections averted, and discounted QALYs and costs (discounted to the present at 3% annually). IDU = injection drug user; PrEP = oral pre-exposure prophylaxis for injection drug users; ART = antiretroviral therapy for 80% of eligible individuals; MMT = methadone maintenance treatment for 25% of IDUs; 25% PrEP = PrEP for 25% of uninfected IDUs; 50% PrEP = PrEP for 50% of uninfected IDUs.


The numbers for similar strategies vary because of dynamics. For example, for the strategy “25% PrEP,” 13,686 IDUs receive PrEP, whereas for the strategy “ART, 25% PrEP,” 14,506 IDUs receive PrEP; this is because with scaled up ART, IDUs live longer, so 25% of IDUs on PrEP with ART scale up is greater than 25% of IDUs on PrEP without ART scale up.


Incremental to the status quo.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure