Table 2.
Other emerging genetic counseling indications
Clinical Indication | Factor(s) necessitating change | GC role/HCP role | GC Method | GC Service delivery |
Abnormal MSI/IHC results | Population screening efforts Prognostic information/treatment decisions |
Ordering MD: surgeon/med oncologist; GC referred only abnormal results and/or suggestive family history | Similar to abnormal prenatal screening results with initial counseling by MD/staff followed by extensive post-test counseling/follow-up by GC | In person or phone (alternate media strategies for pre-test counseling) |
Post-test BRCA and Lynch syndrome testing | Patient awareness and advocacy; Direct to physician marketing of genetic based tests | GC establishing collaborative approach for triaging difficult cases | Extensive post-test counseling largely dependent on test result and interpretation (psychologist/social work consultation as needed) | In person |