Figure 4.
Foxq1 promotes longdistance metastasis in vivo. A and C, quantification of metastasis in vivo. A, two populations of EpRas cells with the vector (LacZ) or the Foxq1 gene were injected in 10 mice, respectively. C, 4T1 cells with nontarget control and Foxq1 shRNA H3 were injected in 5 and 6 mice, respectively (top panel). 4T1/shRNA cells with vector and hFoxq1 expression were used in 8 mice, respectively (bottom panel). B and D, representative H&E staining pictures of lung sections from mice injected with genetically modified EpRas (magnification, 40× and 400×) or 4T1-derived cells (magnification, 100× and 200×). For both panels, the origins of the lung sections are indicated on the left side of the panels.