PBF was acutely increased in 4-week old lambs. Lambs were treated with the ET receptor antagonist tezosentan (0.5 mg/kg/hr) in combination with PEG-catalase (15,000 units/kg). Lung biopsies were taken before (Pre) and 4h after (Post), the increase in PBF. In contrast to the findings in tezosentan-treated lambs, lambs treated with tezosentan in combination with PEG-catalase, did not demonstrate increases in lung tissue H2O2 levels, as estimated by H2DCFDA oxidation, after 4h of increased PBF (A). Lysates (40μg) prepared from Pre and Post lung biopsies were subjected to Western blot analysis and probed with anti-pSer1177- or anti-pThr495-eNOS antibodies. For normalization, duplicate samples were run and blotted, then probed with an antibody for total eNOS. In contrast to the findings in tezosentan-treated lambs, lambs treated with tezosentan in combination with PEG-catalase, did not demonstrate increases in pSer1177 eNOS levels after 4h of increased PBF (B) while pThr495 levels were increased (C). Lung tissue NOX levels did not increase in lambs treated with tezosentan in combination with PEG-catalase (D). Data are mean ± SEM; n =4. *P <0.05 vs. pre shunt opening.