Left pulmonary blood flow (PBF) and left pulmonary vascular resistance (LPVR) following aortopulmonary shunt opening in vehicle-, tezosentan- 0.5mg/kg/hr, TEZO), and tezosentan (0.5 mg/kg/hr) combined with PEG-catalase- (15,000 units/kg) treated lambs (TEZO/CAT). (A) PBF increases sharply by 30 minutes following aortopulmonary shunt opening in all groups. PBF continues to increase in the TEZO group (dashed line), but not in the vehicle- (solid line) or TEZO/CAT (dotted line) groups over the 4h study period; PBF is higher in the TEZO group than the other groups at 210 and 240 minutes. PBF remains above baseline in all groups at 240 minutes. (B) LPVR decreases sharply by 30 minutes following aortopulmonary shunt opening in the vehicle- (solid line) and TEZO (dashed line) groups. In the vehicle group, LPVR does not change further over the 4-hour study period. In the TEZO/CAT (dotted line) group, LPVR decreases to levels similar to the other groups by 60 minutes. Furthermore, in the TEZ/CAT group LPVR returns to levels similar to baseline by 120 minutes without further changes over the 4-hour study period. In the TEZO group, LPVR continues to decrease following aortopulmonary shunt opening over the 4-hour study period, such that LPVR is lower than in the vehicle and TEZO/CAT groups at 210 and 240 minutes. Data are mean ± SD. Vehicle N=8, TEZO N=6, TEZO/CAT N=5, * P<0.05 vs. vehicle and TEZO/CAT, † P<0.05 vs. baseline.