Fig. 6.
CD25+ T cell influence on JHMV persistence and pathology. (A) Relative transcript levels of viral N protein mRNA in spinal cords during persistence. Data expressed as mean±SEM relative to GAPDH mRNA with 3 individuals per time point. Representative of 2 experiments with the same trend in each experiment. (B) Spinal cords from JHMV infected WT mice treated with either anti-CD25 or anti-βGal mAb at day 14 p.i. Inflammatory cells identified with H&E (top panel), viral infected cells identified with anti-N mAb J3.3 (middle panel) and demyelination assessed with LFB (bottom panel). Representative sections from 2 experiments with 3–5 mice per experiment. Bar=200 μm. Insert bars=50 μm. (C) Percentage demyelination in spinal cord white matter in individual mice calculated by analysis of transverse sections at 6 separate levels per mouse expressed as mean±SEM with 3–5 mice per time point. Representative of 2 separate experiments with the same trends. Statistical differences determined by two tailed unpaired t test. *p=<0.05.