Figure 6.
(A) Ramped voltage pattern applied to the tBLM to measure the electroporation threshold. (B) The resultant current in response to the voltage ramp illustrates the electroporation threshold, as well as the insertion of PGLa compared with the experimental current and a 5SPICE simulation of the equivalent circuit of a sealed tBLM. The initial rise in current seen in both the experimental and simulated traces confirms the capacitance readings obtained using AC impedance spectroscopy of Cm = 1.19 μF cm−2. (C) A further tBLM after exposure to three sequences of 20 ms pulses from 0 to ±500 mV in ±50 mV increments, subsequently read using the same ramped potential as in B. It should be noted that the signal/noise ratio of the currents measured arising from the ramped potentials in Fig 6, B and C, is ∼1–2 orders of magnitude lower than that from the swept-frequency AC measures.