(A) BF simulations were carried out under a set of “standard conditions” (as described in Figure 3), except that Smax = 5, N = 8, while the value of one parameter was systematically varied as indicated in each panel. The frequency of zero-CO chromosomes as a function of the value of the varied parameter is plotted. Variations in L and E have no effect; variations in Smax, N, B and M all have effects. (B,C). A given frequency of zero-CO chromosomes can be achieved by diverse constellations of parameter values that play off against one another. This situation is illustrated by BF simulations under above conditions where the frequency of zero-CO chromosomes is determined over a range of combinations of values of two parameters. This interplay is illustrated for combinations of precursor number (N) and either parameter Smax (Panel B) or parameter B (Panel C). The lower the number of precursors, (N), the higher the Smax needed to ensure that at least one will be sensitive enough to undergo CO designation and the more important it will be for precursors to occur at the same average number along the bivalent in every nucleus, thus minimizing the probability that a bivalent will have too-few precursors (higher B) (text).