Figure 14. Modeling of non-interfering COs with the example of budding yeast.
(A) Non-interfering COs could arise from the same array of precursors as designated COs by low probability of CO formation at remaining not-CO-designated sites (left); alternatively, non-interfering COs could arise from a different set of precursors (right). (B) BF simulations. (Far left) Simulations under standard parameter conditions (Figure 3) illustrate the facts that CoC relationships for interfering COs vary relatively little according to whether precursors are randomly or evenly spaced; see also Figure 3 and Figure S2). (Second from left) An array of precursors was defined under standard parameter conditions with E = 0.6 (relatively even spacing) or random spacing (E = 0) and subjected to a simulation at very high Smax such that all precursors were manifested as “events”, for which CoC curves were then constructed. Precursor CoC relationships are dramatically different for random spacing (CoC = 1 for all inter-interval distances) or even spacing (significant interference at small inter-interval distances). (Right two panels) CoC curves for non-interfering COs generated by Scenario 1 or Scenario 2 with even or random precursor spacing (E = 0.6 or E = 0) directly match the CoC curves for the precursors from which they arose. (C) BF simulations for mixtures of interfering and non-interfering COs, at the different indicated proportions of non-interfering COs. Interfering COs were generated under standard parameter conditions which correspond to yeast chromosome XV (Figure 3; E = 0.6). Non-interfering COs were generated according to Scenario 1 (left) or by Scenario 2 from either even or random precursors (E = 0.6; E = 0) (middle; right). (D) Left: Experimental CoC curves for CO data from microarray analysis of yeast Chromosomes IV and XV [22], [52]. Data from the two studies were combined and the positions of COs defined under the assumption, as made in both studies, that the CO position is at the site of the exchanged polymorphism. CoC analysis of these COs was then performed as for Zip3 foci. Second from left: CoC curves for yeast Chromosome XV corresponding to the combination of interfering COs as described by the best-fit simulation (Figure 6I; E = 0.6) plus non-interfering COs at a level comprising 30% of total COs as described by best-fit simulations under the indicated Scenario and precursor array conditions. Two right-most panels: Experimental CoC curves for Chromosomes IV and XV (from left panel) plus best-fit simulation CoC curves for the indicated mixtures of interfering and non-interfering COs (from the second from left panel). The best match is provided if non-interfering COs arise from precursors left over after CO-designation (Scenario 1 with relatively evenly-spaced precursors; E = 0.6) as shown in second panel from right.