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. 2014 Jan 30;9(1):e86388. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086388

Table 2. Results of ANOVA of soil physicochemical data for the factors treatment and time in control (NPK) and biochar (BC3N) treatments.

Pools Unit NPK BC3N Treatment Time Interaction
mean mean F P F P F P
Corg mg C g−1 DW 18.66 47.43 (1, 6) 43.7 0.001 (1, 6) 0.0 0.951 2.5 0.165
Ntot mg N g−1 DW 1.47 1.64 (1, 6) 5.3 0.062 (2, 12) 37.5 <0.001 0.3 0.778
BD g cm−3 1.17 1.04 (1, 6) 48.4 <0.001 (1, 6) 55.3 <0.001 0.3 0.595
Grav. WC g H2O g−1 DW 0.14 0.17 (1, 6) 46.7 <0.001 (6, 36) 218.7 <0.001 6.2 <0.001
Porosity % 56.03 60.61 (1, 6) 48.6 <0.001 (1, 6) 55.3 <0.001 0.3 0.594
WFPS % 29.79 28.92 (1, 6) 1.8 0.229 (6, 36) 215.4 <0.001 2.3 0.059
AFPS % 70.21 71.08 (1, 6) 1.8 0.229 (6, 36) 215.4 <0.001 2.3 0.059
DOC µg C g−1 DW 122.56 111.21 (1, 6) 13.6 0.010 (5, 30) 205 <0.001 2.9 0.028
DOC:DON 16.10 15.92 (1, 6) 0.0 0.909 (1.6, 9.9) 14.4 0.002 0.8 0.454
DON µg N g−1 DW 9.62 8.35 (1, 6) 2.2 0.187 (2.3, 13.9) 28.5 <0.001 0.3 0.782
NO3 µg N g−1 DW 14.43 8.40 (1, 6) 39.6 0.001 (6, 36) 95.9 <0.001 8.6 <0.001
NH4 + µg N g−1 DW 1.66 1.55 (1, 6) 0.9 0.383 (2.6, 15.5) 34.8 <0.001 1.0 0.417
FAA µg N g−1 DW 0.77 0.70 (1, 6) 3.5 0.110 (1.6, 9.8) 3.2 0.091 0.9 0.429
TDN µg N g−1 DW 24.95 17.03 (1, 6) 33.3 0.001 (5, 30) 97.2 <0.001 1.3 0.285
HMWNorg µg N g−1 DW 3.24 3.47 (1, 23) 1.1 0.306
LMWNorg µg N g−1 DW 6.78 5.68 (1, 23) 0.7 0.401
Protein µg N g−1 DW 3.46 3.65 (1, 23) 1.4 0.253
DNA µg g−1 DW 12.40 18.04 (1, 6) 6.6 0.042 (1.1, 6.9) 0.1 0.774 2.6 0.154
AOA/DNA amoA copy no µg−1 DNA 1.41E6 1.36E6 (1, 6) 0.2 0.637 (2, 12) 8.2 0.006 3.3 0.070
AOA/soil amoA copy no g−1 soil DW 1.68E7 2.47E7 (1, 6) 6.3 0.045 (1.1, 6.6) 3.5 0.103 0.9 0.378
AOB/DNA amoA copy no µg−1 DNA 419075 461583 (1, 6) 0.7 0.436 (1.2, 7) 7.2 0.028 1.6 0.246
AOB/soil amoA copy no g−1 soil DW 5.01E6 8.45E6 (1, 6) 9.9 0.020 (2, 12) 4.5 0.035 1.3 0.319
AOA:AOB 3.64 3.19 (1, 6) 0.8 0.402 (2, 12) 0.4 0.681 0.0 0.970

Data were analyzed by two-way mixed ANOVA. Data for protein, HMW-Norg and LMW-Norg were available only for one sampling date and therefore were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Abbreviations: Corg, soil organic C; Ntot, total soil N; BD, soil bulk density; Grav. WC, gravimetric soil water content; WFPS, water filled pore space; AFPS, aire filled pore space; DOC, dissolved organic C; DON, dissolved organic N; NO3 , nitrate; NH4 +, ammonium; FAA, total free amino acids; TDN, total dissolved N; HMW-Norg, high molecular weight organic N; LMW-Norg, low molecular weight organic N; DNA, soil DNA content; AOA/DNA, archaeal amoA copy numbers on DNA basis; AOA/soil, archaeal amoA copy numbers on dry soil basis; AOB/DNA, bacterial amoA copy numbers on DNA basis; AOB/soil, bacterial amoA copy numbers on dry soil basis.