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. 2014 Jan 30;9(1):e87155. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087155

Table 2. Clinical characteristics of four groups based on the results of free-running provocation and methacholine provocation tests.

MBPT (+) MBPT (−)
EIB (+) N = 43 EIB (−) N = 7 EIB (+) N = 27 EIB (−) N = 30
Age (mean, yr) 21.7±0.6 20.6±0.6 24.1±1.5 23.6±1.1
Nonsmoker (None/total, %) 21/30 (70) 4/6 (66.7) 10/16 (62.5) 15/20 (75)
History of asthma (%) 24 (55.8) 2 (28.6) 9 (33.3) 11 (36.7)
Temperature (mean °C)* 12.0±1.9 11.0±4.7 7.4±2.2 17.8±2.1
Humidity (mean %)* 45.7±2.2 47.4±8.9 45.4±2.4 52.3±2.2
Atopy rate (%) 93.5 100 77.8 72
Serum IgE (mean, IU/mL) 759.7±149.3 185.3±50.5 233.4±53.8 375.1±151.5
Sinusitis (%) 29.6 0 35.3 15.8
Sputum analysis
Macrophage (mean, %) 76.5±3.7 68.5±8.2 69.1±9.3 79.6±3.7
Neutrophil (mean, %) 13.7±3.5 18.7±4.1 15.8±5.6 10.4±2.1
Eosinophil (mean, %) 8.7±2.8 11.3±7.1 14.5±9.0 5.3±3.4
Eosinophilia rate 70.6 66.7 57.1 15.4
Pulmonary function test
FVC% 89.6±1.7 93.86±4.3 93.0±1.8 95.86±2.5
FEV1% 83.5±2.2 93.14±4.3 94.7±2.1 97.03±2.3
FEV1/FVC% 79.2±1.4 84.29±1.3 86.6±1.4 86.08±0.8
Methacholine provocation
PC20 (mg/mL)** 5.3±0.8 11.1±1.0
Exercise provocation test
Decrement of FEV1 (%) 32.6±1.7 6.93±1.1 24.6±2.1 7.40±0.7
Air pollution
SO2 0.0072±0.0004 0.0076±0.0008 0.0071±0.0007 0.0070±0.0004
CO2 0.0375±0.0021 0.0324±0.0025 0.0354±0.0030 0.0367±0.0021
CO 0.68±0.06 0.47±0.06 0.68±0.35 0.62±0.23
O3 0.015±0.002 0.016±0.002 0.020±0.033 0.022±0.019
Fine dust 51.36±3.35 54.43±10.05 50.15±19.06 55.63±28.93

Data are means ± SEM or percentages, MBPT: methacholine bronchial provocation test; EIB: exercise provocation test.


indicates p<0.05 between EIB(+) and EIB(−) patients among MBPT(−) patients.


indicates p<0.05 between EIB(+) and EIB(−) patients among MBPT(+) patients.