Promoter architecture of the TraR-regulated genes in A. tumefaciens. (A–C) Representation of the regions upstream of the traI-trbBCDEJKLFGHI and repABC operons (A), traCDGyci and traAFBH operons (B) traM gene (C). The tra boxes (I, II, III, and IV) are indicated by black boxes. Under each tra box are presented the associated promoters, the activations of which are dependent on the binding of TraR. The promoters of class I-type are in blue while those of class II-type are in red. The fourth identified promoter controlling the expression of repABC in a TraR-independent way is also displayed (P). The arrows indicate the direction of transcription. (D) The nucleotide sequences of the four tra boxes. (Adapted from Fuqua and Winans, 1996a; Pappas and Winans, 2003a,b; White and Winans, 2005).