Figure 1.
Cytoplasmic and vacuolar localization of transiently expressed Joka2 and AtNBR1 in leaf epidermal cells of N. benthamiana. (A) BiFC assay of interaction between Joka2 and NtATG8f using randomly chosen combination (YN-NtATG8f+Joka2-YC) of the vectors. (B) Co-localization of co-expressed GFP-AtNBR1 and RFP-AtNBR1 (AtNBR1 fused to two variants of fluorescent protein). (C) Localization of Joka2-RFP in the vacuole. (D) Subcellular localization of co-expressed RFP-Joka2 and γ-TIP-CFP—a tonoplast marker based on an aquaporin of the vacuolar membrane fused to CFP. The enlarged part of the picture visualizes tonoplast (the blue fluorescence signal) of the central vacuole which surrounds the nucleus (N) and red fluorescence of RFP-Joka2 fusion protein observed mainly inside the vacuole close to the tonoplast as a smear (arrowheads) or in spots (arrows). Scale bar, 10 μm.