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. 2014 Jan 21;15(1):1554–1573. doi: 10.3390/ijms15011554

Table 1.

Semi-quantitative distribution of γH2AX-IR nuclei in the mouse brain. Staining was performed on paraffin sections using the ABC method. The level of immunoreactivity (IR) through the brain was assessed using the following scale: − = no signal; + = weak staining; ++ = moderate staining; +++ = strong staining. Abbreviations: γH2AX = phosphorylated form of histone H2AX; E = embryonic day; OB = olfactory bulb; P = postnatal day; RMS = rostral migratory stream; and SVZ = subventricular zone.

Distribution of γH2AX-IR nuclei in mouse brain
Age E 14.5 P0 P5 P10 P15 P20 P60 Old
Cerebral cortex + ++ +++ +++
SVZ/RMS/OB +++ + + +++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Amygdala + + ++
Hypothalamus + ++
Dorsal endopiriform nucleus + + +
Hippocampus + + + +
Midbrain + + +
Cerebellum + +++ +++ +
Pons + + + +