Figure 4.
In response to both Face and Object images, significant clusters in the bilateral hippocampus of healthy control subjects showed a pattern of hippocampal discrimination, exhibiting habituation in response to Repeated images and enhancement in response to Different images (Faces: left k = 20, −30, −28, −17; k = 18, −24, −40, −2 right k = 53; 21, −37, 4. Objects: left k = 33, −27, −25, −17; right k = 85, 33, −16, −32). The pattern was absent schizophrenia patients, who had similar responses to both stimulus types in these hippocampal regions. There was a positive correlation between hippocampal discrimination and verbal paired associate memory (total recall score) in the left (k = 24; −27, −34, −14) and right (k = 10; 21, 19, −20) hippocampus, such that greater hippocampal habituation was correlated with paired associate memory.