Event-based (A) and trend-based (B) onset criteria. (A) Longitudinal ALCSD-BMO data for eyes of the representative young monkey (Monkey Y3). Changes from mean ALCSD-BMO at baseline (in vertical axis) were plotted for the EG (solid square) and the contralateral control eye (open square) at each imaging session. All data were normalized to the mean baseline value to reflect the changes to baselines. Eye-specific upper and lower 95% CIs for each eye were determined using the baseline testing session and a t-distribution (solid lines EG eye, dashed lines control eye). The number of days in the x-axis was normalized to the first day of laser (day 0). Onset of change in either eye (filled arrow) was defined to occur at the first post-laser testing session in which the value fell out of the CI, that was confirmed on the next two testing sessions (open arrows, onset confirmed ×2). (B) Longitudinal ALCSD-BMO data for EG eyes of the same representative young monkey (Monkey Y3). The trend-based onset (x0 = 139) was determined by the intersection in a segmental fit including one horizontal and one sloped solid lines. When the fit is statistically different from the mean of ALCSD-BMO data (horizontal dashed line, implying no change), the fit and x0 were considered meaningful and, therefore, was counted as an achieved onset (Methods).