Figure 5.
First passage time distributions for the most populated aggregation states 66123 and 66314 of GNN (a) and KLV (b). The black, red and blue curves correspond to FPTDs from all times, from any time at which a state with N1 = 6 is present, and from any time at which a state with N1 < 6 occurred. The green curves are non-linear fitting functions for the FPTD for the time intervals with N1 = 6 that do not overlap with the blue curve. For (a) the fitting function is y = a1e−t/b1 + a2e−t/b2 + a3e−t/b3 with parameters a1 = 26620, b1 = 8.9 ps, a2 = 15878, b2 = 36.5 ps, a3 = 3854, and b3 = 216 ps. For (b) the fitting function is y = ct−d with parameters c = 137294 and d = 0.94 ps.