Anillin-dependent recruitment of septins is required for ICB elongation. (a) Time-lapse series of HeLa cells expressing GFP-anillin or GFP-anillinΔPH + PLCδ PH as the only forms of cellular anillin during the ICB elongation phase of cytokinesis. Left-hand panel, full cell view, scale bar, 5 μm; right-hand panels, magnified views of the ICB, scale bar, 1 μm. Time 0 is the point of initial ICB formation. (b) Length of anillin–septin collar over time during the ICB elongation phase in HeLa cells expressing GFP-anillin (black, n = 12) or GFP-anillinΔPH + PLCδ PH (grey, n = 8) as the only forms of cellular anillin. (c) Histogram of maximum anillin ICB collar lengths in HeLa cells overexpressing GFP-anillin, WT + GFP-anillin, HeLa cells expressing GFP-anillin or GFP-anillinΔPH + PLCδ PH as the only forms of cellular anillin and GFP-anillin expressing HeLa cell depleted of SEPT9, GFP-anillin SEPT9 RNAi. (d) Histogram of the minimum diameter of ICBs in cells expressing different forms of anillin at different levels. WT, wild-type.