Figure 3.
Hippocampal GCs In Vivo Are Exposed to Barrages of Fast EPSCs Originating in the Entorhinal Cortex
(A) Representative trains of EPSCs recorded from dentate gyrus GCs in anesthetized (top) and awake (bottom) rats at –70 mV.
(B) EPSCs detected by a deconvolution-based method, aligned and superimposed according to the detection point. Data from anesthetized (left) and awake (right) rats are shown. Black traces indicate individual EPSCs, green trace represents the average EPSC (985 and 844 superimposed traces, respectively).
(C) Cumulative probability distribution (left) and summary bar graph (right) of EPSC peak amplitude. ∗p < 0.05.
(D) Cumulative probability distribution (left) and summary bar graph (right) of EPSC decay time constant. ∗p < 0.05. Color code in (C) and (D): black, anesthetized (15 cells); blue, awake animals (13 cells).
(E) Schematic illustration of focal thermal inactivation of the entorhinal cortex. EC, entorhinal cortex; PP, perforant path.
(F) Representative recording of EPSCs at –70 mV holding potential in a GC, before (“control”), during (“cooling”), and after (“recovery”) cooling of the ipsilateral EC.
(G) Plot of EPSC frequency against time during cooling. Average data from five cells are shown. Labels (a), (b), and (c) indicate time points of traces shown in (F).
(H) Summary of EPSC frequency before, during, and after cooling, normalized to control values. ∗p < 0.05. Bar graphs represent mean ± SEM, circles indicate data from individual cells. Data from the same cell are connected by lines. Data in (E)–(H) were obtained from anesthetized rats (five cells). See also Figure S3.