Figure 10.
C. crescentus CC1736 binds Q10, Q2, Q3, and DMQ3. (A) Purified CC1736 (right panel) or cytochrome c (left panel) were added to binding buffer containing Q10 at the eight concentrations designated (0.01-0.18 mM). Samples were incubated for 45 min at 30 °C and unbound ligands were separated from the protein by application to a desalting column, and lipid extracts of the eluate were subjected to reversed-phase HPLC and the ligands were detected by UV absorbtion as described in section 2.13. (B) shows the amount of each ligand recovered in association with either CC1736 (black diamonds) or cytochrome c (open squares): ergosterol, Q10, Q2, Q3, DMQ3, or FHB in ascending concentration. One representative assay is shown of at least two assays performed for each ligand. Each concentration of ligand was tested in duplicate per binding assay.