Figure 1.
Life cycle of Edwardsiella lineata. A. A schematic comparison of the life cycles of the free-living sea anemone N. vectensis and the parasitic sea anemone E. lineata. Not drawn to scale. B. Ctenophore M.leidyi infected with parasitic E. lineata. Arrow points to parasite’s aboral end. The mouth is located near the junction of the ctenophore’s radial canals. C-G. Stages in the life cycle of E. lineata. C. An excised parasite. D. An individual undergoing the transition from the parasite to the post-parasitic larva (larva 2 in panel A). E. A post-parasitic larva. F. An individual undergoing the transition from the post-parasitic larva to polyp. G. A polyp. In panels C-G., the anemone is oriented with the mouth facing up. Scale bar: 5 mm in panel B; 2 mm in panels C,G; 1 mm in panels D-F.