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. 2014 Jan;104(1):151–155. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301450


Suicide Rates by Veteran Status, Age, and Gender: National Violent Death Reporting System, 2003–2010

Age Group, y
Veteran Status 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–64 ≥ 65
 Rate 1 108.7 33.8 29.8 27.1 29.2
 Rate 2 49.6 25.9 28.3 26.7 29.2
 Rate 3 119.0 37.9 34.9 31.5 30.4
 Rate 4 59.9 30.0 33.4 31.1 30.4
 Rate a 18.3 19.6 21.4 23.2 24.1
 Rate b 19.3 20.2 21.6 23.3 24.1
 Rate c 21.4 23.7 26.7 27.9 25.5
 Rate d 22.4 24.4 26.9 28.0 25.5
 Rate 1 25.6 9.3 12.0 9.9
 Rate 2 13.8 7.6 11.6 9.8
 Rate 3 27.9 11.0 14.2 13.1
 Rate 4 16.1 9.3 13.8 12.9
 Rate a 3.8 4.8 6.9 6.1
 Rate b 3.9 4.8 6.9 6.1
 Rate c 5.0 6.7 9.8 8.3
 Rate d 5.0 6.8 9.9 8.3

Note. Rate 1 = (veteran suicides/VA population estimate) * 100 000; rate 2 = [(veteran suicides - active-duty suicides)/VA population estimate] * 100 000; rate 3 = [(veteran suicides + veteran undetermined deaths)/VA population estimate] * 100 000; rate 4 = [(veteran suicides - active duty suicides + veteran undetermined deaths)/VA population estimate] * 100 000; rate a = [nonveteran suicides/(total population - VA population estimates)] * 100 000; rate b = [(nonveteran suicides + active duty suicides)/(total population - VA population estimates)] * 100 000; rate c = [(nonveteran suicides + nonveteran undetermined deaths)/(total population - VA population estimates)] * 100 000; rate d = [(nonveteran suicides + active duty suicides + nonveteran undetermined deaths)/(total population - VA population estimates)] * 100 000.


There were too few female veteran suicides aged ≥ 65 years to provide accurate estimates; thus, we combined those aged 45–64 years with those aged ≥ 65 years.