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. 2014 Jan;104(1):47–58. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301472


Descriptive Statistics of Southern Counties Sampled for Hookworm by the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission (RSC), 1911–1914

Dependent Variable Mean or Proportion (SD)
County in RSC sample, % 59.40
County hookworm infection rate, % 38.40 (25.72)
Proportion of RSC-participating counties, by state
 Alabama 0.06
 Arkansas 0.08
 Georgia 0.12
 Kentucky 0.04
 Louisiana 0.09
 Mississippi 0.13
 North Carolina 0.17
 South Carolina 0.05
 Tennessee 0.10
 Texas 0.05
 Virginia 0.10
 Total 1.0
County-level environmental characteristics
 Frost-free d/y 219.73 (36.46)
 Particle size, cm 0.15 (0.06)
 Temperature, °F (5-y average of annual means) 61.78 (4.12)
 Precipitation, in (5-y average of annual totals) 47.93 (7.56)
 Elevation, meters 163.73 (153.82)
County-level population characteristics
 Proportion Black 0.33 (0.24)
 Population/mile2 51.11 (74.29)
 Population 22 616.24 (21 625.40)
County-level program effects
 Proportion of children attending school 0.57 (0.08)
 Counties in early-adopting states 34.2
 No. of mills 1.07 (3.24)
 Year of RSC infection survey 1912.90 (0.99)
County-level soil pollution risk
 Sanitary index 7.01 (5.73)
 Improved acreage 112 104.22 (67 782.26)

Note. Total may not total 1.0 because of rounding.