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. 2014 Jan;104(1):e31–e38. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301626


Description of Study Population by Racial/Ethnic Group and Stay in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Among All Hospitals: Massachusetts, 2009

Stay in ICU, No. (%) or Mean ±SD
No Stay in ICU, No. (%) or Mean ±SD
Non-Hispanic White (n = 337) Hispanic (n = 57) Non-Hispanic Black (n = 68) Other (n = 65) Non-Hispanic White (n = 2807) Hispanic (n = 647) Non-Hispanic Black (n = 510) Other (n = 383)
 Male 196 (57) 23 (43) 43 (62) 34 (58) 1388 (50) 335 (52) 251 (49) 196 (51)
 Female 149 (43) 30 (57) 26 (38) 25 (42) 1413 (50) 315 (48) 258 (51) 192 (49)
Age group, y
 < 18 79 (24) 32 (62) 29 (42) 31 (53) 765 (28) 333 (52) 212 (42) 220 (58)
 18–44 93 (28) 10 (19) 21 (30) 12 (21) 773 (28) 188 (29) 161 (32) 86 (22)
 45–64 159 (48) 10 (19) 19 (28) 15 (26) 1201 (44) 123 (19) 133 (26) 78 (20)
Age 38 ±22 20 ±21 26 ±21 24 ±23 35 ±22 22 ±22 26 ±21 21 ±22
% of population below poverty level
 0–5.9 130 (38) 2(4) 8 (12) 24 (42) 921 (34) 22 (3) 39 (8) 75 (20)
 6.0–11.9 100 (29) 1(2) 9 (13) 7 (12) 934 (34) 59 (9) 57 (11) 93 (25)
 12.0–18.9 68 (20) 16 (31) 22 (32) 16 (28) 563 (20) 170 (27) 159 (32) 102 (27)
 ≥ 19 43 (13) 32 (63) 29 (43) 10 (18) 323 (12) 390 (61) 249 (49) 107 (28)
Deaths 13 (4) 3 (5) 0 (0) 3 (5) 6 (0) 1 (0) 1 (0) 1 (0)
Admitted through ED 186 (54) 22 (42) 41 (59) 23 (39) 1370 (49) 228 (35) 258 (51) 147 (38)
Admitted through OP 20 (6) 1 (2) 2 (3) 1 (2) 282 (10) 45 (7) 25 (5) 25 (6)
Length of stay, d 6.8 ±9 10.2 ±12 5.6 ±6 5.2 ±6 3.2 ±3 3.0 ±3 2.8 ±3 2.7 ±3

Note. ED = emergency department; OP = outpatient department. The total study population was 4874. We calculated the proportions using Hospital Discharge Database data for 2009.