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. 2014 Jan;104(1):e31–e38. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301626


Risk of H1N1-Related Stay in Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Stratified by Racial/Ethnic Group: Massachusetts, 2009

Model, OR (95% CI)
Racial/Ethnic Group, OR (95% CI)
Independent Variable A B C D (Full) Non-Hispanic White Hispanic Non-Hispanic Black Other
Racial/ethnic group
 Non-Hispanic White 1.00 1.00 1.00
 Hispanic 0.66* (0.49, 0.90) 0.68* (0.49, 0.95) 0.52* (0.32, 0.86)
 non-Hispanic Black 1.10 (0.84, 1.45) 1.14 (0.85, 1.53) 1.32 (0.90, 1.93)
 Other 1.23 (0.92, 1.66) 1.24* (0.91, 1.68) 1.29 (0.85, 1.96)
% of population below poverty level
 0–5.9 (Ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
 6.0–11.9 0.66** (0.52, 0.85) 0.66** (0.51, 0.85) 0.62** (0.47, 0.80) 0.69* (0.52, 0.93) 0.16 (0.01, 1.85) 0.74 (0.26, 2.12) 0.22** (0.09, 0.55)
 12.0–18.9 0.81 (0.63, 1.05) 0.79 (0.62, 1.02) 0.79 (0.61, 1.02) 0.85 (0.62, 1.16) 0.80 (0.17, 3.85) 0.62 (0.25, 1.53) 0.46* (0.22, 0.94)
 ≥ 19 0.75* (0.56, 0.99) 0.69* (0.53, 0.89) 0.72* (0.54, 0.96) 0.89 (0.61, 1.29) 0.75 (0.16, 3.43) 0.54 (0.23, 1.29) 0.28* (0.13, 0.63)
 Male (Ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
 Female 0.78* (0.62, 0.98) 0.77* (0.61, 0.97) 1.68 (0.92, 3.07) 0.59* (0.35, 1.00) 0.87 (0.48, 1.56)
Age group, y
 < 18 (Ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
 18–44 1.03 (0.80, 1.33) 1.17 (0.85, 1.62) 0.53 (0.24, 1.15) 0.98 (0.52, 1.83) 1.10 (0.51, 2.39)
 45–64 1.17 (0.93, 1.49) 1.30 (0.97, 1.75) 0.67 (0.29, 1.58) 0.93 (0.47, 1.83) 1.53 (0.72, 3.27)
Admission through ED 1.11 (0.92, 1.36) 1.10 (0.86, 1.40) 1.32 (0.70, 2.53) 1.40 (0.80, 2.46) 0.94 (0.49, 1.80)
Admission through OP 0.53* (0.34, 0.83) 0.62* (0.38, 1.00) a 0.70 (0.15, 3.22) 0.22 (0.03, 1.71)
Race × gender interaction
 Non-Hispanic White × female (Ref) 1.00
 Hispanic × female 1.88* (1.00, 3.52)
 Non-Hispanic Black × female 0.76 (0.43, 1.34)
 Other race × female 1.05 (0.57, 1.93)

Note. OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; ED = emergency department; OP = outpatient department. The dependent variable is influenza-like-illness–related stay in the intensive care unit. Model A refers to the null model investigating the association between ICU stay and racial/ethnic group. Model B adds the measure of socioeconomic status (SES) to adjust for SES gradient. Model C investigates the association between ICU stay and SES group. Model D refers to the full multivariable model investigating the association between ICU stay and race/ethnicity, adjusted for SES and patient-level effects such as age, gender, and admission type, and interactions between race and gender. To address selection bias and confounding within racial/ethnic strata, we stratified Model D by racial/ethnic group.


Omitted because of collinearity.

*P < .05; **P < .001.