Figure 1. Histological analysis of mPanIN progression model after activation of oncogenic Kras in the acinar cell compartment.
(A) Schematic illustrating tamoxifen induction of CreERT2 activity with and without concomitant cerulein-induced chronic pancreatitis in Mist1:CreERT2; LSL-Kras; LSL-YFP (KCiMist1Y) and Mist1:CreERT2; LSL-Kras; mTmG (KCiMist1G) mice. (B–E) Progressive PanIN formation with and without concomitant chronic pancreatitis. (B) No PanIN are detected in either the absence of KrasG12D activation or 1 week following KrasG12D activation. (C) Representative section depicting mPanIN three weeks after oncogenic Kras expression, at which point mPanINs typically occupy ~5% of cross sectional area. (D) Increased PanIN density 6 weeks following KrasG12D activation, at which point mPanINs typically occupy ~10–15% of cross sectional area. (E) Accelerated PanIn formation following KrasG12D activation in combination with cerulein-mediated chronic pancreatitis; PanIN lesions occupy greater than 70% of the pancreas. (F) Antibody labeling for GFP and tdTomato in pancreatic tissue harvested from KCiMist1G mice confirms acinar cell origin of ADM and PanIN.