Dynamics and hydrogen bonding of Ser-containing poly-Leu peptides.
a, b Coordinate snapshots from Sim2–Sim4
showing the peptide and specific amino acids at the end of the Sims. Ser side
chains are shown as bonds; atoms of backbone groups involved in Ser hydrogen
bonding are shown as small spheres. Oxygen atoms of water molecules within 6
Å from Ser groups are shown as van der Waals spheres for the snapshot at
the of the Sims, and as small transparent spheres for 2 coordinate snapshots
taken 2 and 1 ns before the end of the Sims, respectively. For simplicity, in
panels a–c hydrogen are not shown. In Sim4, water molecules
penetrate into the lipid bilayer, forming hydrogen bonds with S8 and/or S5.
d Snapshots from the last ~1 ns segment of Sim4 illustrating
hydrogen bonding between Ser side chains and water molecules; selected hydrogen
atoms are depicted for examples of hydrogen bonding. e Rmsf
(Å) computed from the last 10 ns of Sim2–Sim4. f
Selected Ser hydrogen-bond distances measured during the last 10 ns segments of
Sim2–Sim4. g Examples of time series of Ser hydrogen-bond
distances in Sim2–Sim4