Figure 4.
Comparison of BOLD signal intensity change (bar graph) and cluster size % (shaded area) for Pf DBS and CM DBS (blue: PF; red: CM). A) At 3V, 130Hz Pf DBS induced functional inhibition predominantly in limbic areas (ITG, HP, PHC, PPC) (>70% cluster size difference in Pf than in CM), and CM DBS-induced functional inhibition predominantly in sensorimotor areas (PSS, PIMC, PREMC), limbic areas (DACC, DPCC), and the associative area (PFC) (>70% cluster size difference in CM than in Pf). There was a significantly greater BOLD signal intensity change for CM compared to Pf DBS in DPCC, and PREMC (p<0.05, t-test). B). At 3V, 60Hz DBS, cluster size differences were less pronounced in sensorimotor areas (PSS, PIMC, PREMC) than at 3V, 130Hz. Only PIMC showed a >70% cluster size difference in CM than in Pf DBS, implying that the sensorimotor effects of Pf DBS were stronger at 60Hz than at 130Hz. The only significant difference between Pf and CM DBS as measured by BOLD signal intensity change was in the PREMC (p<0.05, t-test); C). Cluster size distribution comparing CM to Pf DBS at 130Hz and 60 Hz. At 3V 130 Hz the cluster size distribution was predominantly limbic (51%) for Pf DBS and sensorimotor for CM DBS (73%). At 3V 60Hz, the cluster size distribution for both Pf and CM DBS was mainly sensorimotor (86% and 68%, respectively). Abbreviations: BOLD, blood oxygenation-level dependent; CM, centromedian thalamic nucleus; CP, caudate and putamen; DACC, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; DPCC, dorsal posterior cingulate cortex; HP, hippocampus; IC, insular cortex; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus; NS, non-specific areas; PFC, prefrontal cortex; PHC, parahippocampal gyrus; PIMC, primary motor cortex; Pf, parafascicular thalamic nucleus; PP, pineal gland and perirhinal cortex; PPC, prepyriform cortex; PREMC, premotor cortex; PSS, primary sensory cortex; SC, superior colliculus